Thursday, March 20, 2008

changing the world costs between $400 to $900 dollars

A projector costs about $500 on craigslist. A refurbished dell computer running XP costs about $350. I already have a computer on my desk. Let me say a little bit more about web 2.o and the use of a projector. I have no wish to disrespect anyone with a smartboard, but I can do a lot with just the projector for my computer. For instance: - with this website I can teach students how to plan their writing projects with bubble diagrams / key visuals. This is a free service, I can embed it into my virtual classroom website so parents can help along at home, I can save it from year to year, I can email it to someone, etc. I just need a projector. - one of the few for-pay services I give my rubber stamp, sign-your-name, put-your-money-where-your-mouth-is endorsements. It is good for many subjects. It is growing. A very brave man in my district said "let's get a district license", but I don't think he enough people said "yes lets put the necessary money into it". I can bring incredible meaningful content to my students throughout the day. My school subscribes to a 3 login/unlimited play brainpop license. I am proud of my school for doing this. But, I must be in the lab to play the movie. I just need a projector.

Youtube, TeacherTube, Vimeo - say what you will of YouTube, but despite all the non-educational, detrimental to education stuff, there is an awful lot of good stuff on there. Vimeo holds incredible promise as an education resource.

Video Skype - who wouldn't want their kids in their class to learn what life is like in another country, like say Isreal or Kenya, or Turkey, from their peers! The software is free, the other classrooms are out there waiting. I just need a projector.

A student teacher in a middle school was asking herself how she could get a projector for her classroom. She already bought a laptop, but wants to do a lot of the things that I am talking about and perhaps more that I never dreamed of.

The question is: do I shell out the bucks out of my own pocket to get a projector for my classroom. I don't think I can today. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

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