Thursday, February 26, 2009

Forum + F2F = a whole lot of great ideas

My project for the class was fizzling until I asked the kids to start talking. Then..Lookout!

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Taking the Pressure off of Students

Some pressure is good, but too much pressure is bad. How can I aleviate pressure in my class to make it more productive? Get help from the students!

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tell me, I might learn. Show me, I fix my probs.

I had students review a screencast on how to do an assignment, and now I see if they do better than their predecessors.

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Tell me, I might learn. Show me, I fix my probs.

I had students review a screencast on how to do an assignment, and now I see if they do better than their predecessors.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Own Private Check-out Line

I love twitter. Having a personal network is like having your own check out line at the grocery store. Answers when you need them. Also, You get to be a part of someone else's network.

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